


I haven't paid much attention to this wee little blog here the past week.  It's not that I've been so busy.  

No, it's because I don't really have much to say!

Not a whole lot has been going on since Savvy & the cheer squad won Nationals.  They go to school, Sean goes to work & I putter around the house.

I did open an Etsy shop (LollyPogs) with some really adorable handmade dresses.  I'm working on adding more & I hope there are others out there who like cute & unique clothing for their little girl.  

Back in the day, before they had a strong opinion on fashion, I could make clothes & dresses for the girls that were more my taste.  

Then they turned 2 & had to have it their way!

Anyway, I was just stopping in to let anyone who reads any of this that I'm still alive & kicking and will return.

Hopefully with something more exciting to talk about.


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