

Road Trip!!!

Yesterday Janice & I took a trip to Tucson.

We had a blast.

Except for her AC not working so great. :(

She's got a friend in NC who used to live in a mobile home park down there & he asked her if she'd go and take some pictures of it. So we headed out to find this mobile home park.

About an hour into the drive, around Red Rock I think, we stopped so I could get a shot of the mountains.

Two hours later, in the heart of boring South Tucson, we found the mobile home park. Unfortunately it is now a gated community for seniors that has a guard at the gate.

If your name isn't on the list to visit a resident, you don't get in. Kinda like the exclusive clubs in LA!!

So, taking pictures of an old trailer was out, but we had a full tank of gas & time to kill.

We'd heard about an airplane graveyard that was by Davis Air Force Base and we wanted to find it.

Getting pictures of airplane parts would be so cool.

There was also an airplane Museum, but we didn't want that. We wanted the graveyard!!!

We had no idea where it was, so Jan stopped at a Circle K and asked for directions.

They weren't very helpful.

It didn't help either that we didn't have a map, GPS or compass in her car. This was the one time having a Blackberry or I Phone would've come in handy!!!

We drove around for who knows how long, then stopped again at another Circle K to buy a map.

They were out, but gave us directions & said we were very close.

Had we a clue which direction was West & which was East, we might've found it a heck of a lot quicker!!

Instead we drove around in circles for who knows how long again, trying to find Valencia, when Jan decided if we didn't find it soon, we were heading back home.

She started towards the freeway when we stumbled upon AIRPLANES!!

We were like a couple of 4 year old boys yelling 'Airplanes! Airplanes!! I see the airplanes!! See the airplanes???!!!'

But they were the whole airplane. Planes the Air Force were probably still using.

And although they did make a kinda interesting picture, it's not as interesting as a picture of an airplane part would be.

Then, there it was!! To the left of us ~ piles & miles of airplane parts. Like a car junk yard. Only a little more organized & way cooler. Each different part was stacked all together in a designated area of the lot.

I love that. An organized junk yard!!

Unfortunately, if this was the graveyard we were told about, they no longer let you in.

Then again we got there about 4:00, so maybe they were closed. Either way, we could only take pics from the road. Which was a busy road with only 2 places to stop & pull over.

Jan turned around, she found a spot to pull into & I got the pic above {the planes were across the road} & a little bit of the graveyard.

We were bummed. Both of us really wanted to get into the graveyard to get a variety of pics, but had to settle on ones taken through the windshield as we passed by on our way to the freeway.....

After spending nearly 3 hours driving around Tucson, we headed back home. I got a shot of a cool looking mountain

And this

I'm not so sure I'd trust getting my steaks from this company!!

That is, if I ate steak!


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