

A Morning at the Park

Yesterday, since the older two were at sleepovers, I decided D & I needed to get out and do something together.

I decided we'd go to Freestone Park in Gilbert where they have a couple ponds, a skate park and carnival rides, among other things.

We arrived about 8-8:30 in the morning and it was perfect.  The ducks were eager for the stale bread we offered and there were only about 3 people there.

We only walked about half the park (we never got over to the skate park) before it was a little after 10:00, and then the people & kids started coming.

Here is a pictorial of some of what we did in our couple hours at Freestone Park....

The carnival rides weren't opened when we arrived, (they open at 10:00am) and had a bit of an abandoned look so I edited the photos to look like an old postcard.

I have always loved the carousel. Any fair or carnival I have been to, I have to ride the carousel. I love all the different ponies, the lights, the music, the bright colors, the art around the canopy, everything!

How can you not admire and appreciate the artwork on the horses??

I've certainly seen fancier, but these are still beautiful.

Ahhh! Beauty-ful!

There was also a little train that took it's riders around the entire park.

Then we fed the ducks.  Lots of ducks....

Cute tan and white ducks....

Regal splotched ducks....

Quirky mallards....

And one huge black duck!

I don't know what kind of birds these are, but they're funny looking all lined up along the edge of the pond sunning themselves.

Gumby & Pokey came along. too!  They were a little nervous to be so close to the ducks.  They didn't want to be mistaken for a tasty treat!!

We stopped on a foot bridge to feed more ducks, and look at the waterfalls.

Gumby and Pokey wanted to be in another picture. They had to carefully balance on the bridge railing because if they fell in, there was no getting them out!

Then it was time to head home.

When we got back, D and I made red, white and pink Valentine cupcakes.

Completely from scratch.

Including the butter cream frosting!


  1. LOVE the pictures - really awesome. I need to play around with my camera - I suck at taking pictures!!! the birds you didn't know what they were are Double-crested Cormorants. Did you happen to see their eyes? they are blue. Next time try to get a look.

  2. I like those pics, too! I need to remember to use those apps I have on my phone.

  3. Thanks Helen, for the info on the birds. As close as I was able to get, it wasn't close enough to see their eyes. And, thinking I wouldn't need it, I left my zoom lens at home!
